Reality of Elevators&Escalators in Singapore.

State of Elevators&Escalators in Singapore.


Their function:

There are a plethora of elevators/ escalators in operation all across Singapore. The entire elevator industry functions exactly like the printer industry. Product is sold at the bare minimum price (sometimes the product is even sold at loss) and the investment is recouped by selling expensive spare parts and services on regular basis.

Their motive:

It is quite obvious that OEMs want a large chunk of profit on their product. So initially they just offer the product at an affordable price to the customer. Later the product requires expensive spare parts and repairs. Right from this stage the OEMs profits till infinity.


Customers are lured by the affordable initial cost of the product. On the other hand, the service, repair, and maintenance of the product give nightmares to the customers. In order to escape from this pyramid scheme, customers should always buy the product with high-quality parts. This will ensure less downtime/maintenance/ repair and a low total cost of ownership.

Simple analogy:

Let’s say two friends Adam and Dave buy cars. Adam gets a petrol/diesel car. Dave gets an electric car. Adam would have lost a huge chunk of his income to

  1. Taxes- Enormous amount of taxes needs to be paid to the government.
  2. Service, repairs, and maintenance- Due to stone-age technology, which consists of an infinite amount of moving parts. These things break down a lot.
  3. Fuel- Gas guzzlers drink fuel like a beast. Fuel prices are never going down.
  4. Hospital bills- radiation and vibration from a fossil fuel car causes a lot of health complications.

Dave would have saved a substantial amount of his income driving an electric car since driving electric car results in a low total cost of ownership. Dave saves money on

  1. Taxes- Less tax and more subsidies for electric vehicles.
  2. Service, repairs, and maintenance- fewer moving parts lead to less service, repairs, and maintenance. Brake downs are a rarity.
  3. Fuel- Sips electricity which results in less operational cost.
  4. Hospital bills- No radiation and zero vibration keeps health complications at the bay.


We always suggest the customer look at the total cost of ownership rather than the initial cost of the product. At Prime Elevators we strive hard in lowering the total cost of ownership of Elevators/Escalators. We would like to be Dave. Wouldn’t we.

—Prime Elevators